Nervousness—Cause and Cure
Circa 1927
Nervousness is a malady that can be overcome by a specific medicine: calmness. The disturbance of mental equilibrium, which results in nervous disorders, is caused by continuous states of excitement or excessive stimulation of the senses. Indulgence in constant thoughts of fear, anger, melancholy, remorse, envy, sorrow, hatred, discontent, or worry; and lack of the necessities for normal and happy living, such as right food, proper exercise, fresh air, sunshine, agreeable work and a purpose in life, all are causes of nervous disease.
Any violent or persistent mental, emotional, or physical excitement greatly disturbs and unbalances the flow of life force throughout the sensory-motor mechanism and the lamps of the senses. If we connect a fifty-watt bulb with a two-thousand-volt source, it would burst out the bulb. Similarly, the nervous system was not made to withstand the destructive force of intense emotion or persistent negative thoughts and feelings.
Far-Reaching Effects of Nervousness
Nervousness is no simple problem; it is a deadly enemy with far-reaching effects. Physically, it is difficult to heal any disease so long as it is aggravated by nervousness. Spiritually, an imbalance of life force in the body makes it extremely hard for the devotee to concentrate or meditate deeply enough to acquire peace and wisdom. But nervousness can be cured. The sufferer must be willing to analyze his condition and remove the disintegrating emotions and negative thoughts that are little by little destroying him. Objective analysis of one's problems, and maintaining calmness in all situations of life will heal the most persistent case of nervousness.
Circa 1927
Nervousness is a malady that can be overcome by a specific medicine: calmness. The disturbance of mental equilibrium, which results in nervous disorders, is caused by continuous states of excitement or excessive stimulation of the senses. Indulgence in constant thoughts of fear, anger, melancholy, remorse, envy, sorrow, hatred, discontent, or worry; and lack of the necessities for normal and happy living, such as right food, proper exercise, fresh air, sunshine, agreeable work and a purpose in life, all are causes of nervous disease.
Any violent or persistent mental, emotional, or physical excitement greatly disturbs and unbalances the flow of life force throughout the sensory-motor mechanism and the lamps of the senses. If we connect a fifty-watt bulb with a two-thousand-volt source, it would burst out the bulb. Similarly, the nervous system was not made to withstand the destructive force of intense emotion or persistent negative thoughts and feelings.
Far-Reaching Effects of Nervousness
Nervousness is no simple problem; it is a deadly enemy with far-reaching effects. Physically, it is difficult to heal any disease so long as it is aggravated by nervousness. Spiritually, an imbalance of life force in the body makes it extremely hard for the devotee to concentrate or meditate deeply enough to acquire peace and wisdom. But nervousness can be cured. The sufferer must be willing to analyze his condition and remove the disintegrating emotions and negative thoughts that are little by little destroying him. Objective analysis of one's problems, and maintaining calmness in all situations of life will heal the most persistent case of nervousness.
Realization that all power to think, speak, feel, and act comes from God, and that He is ever with us, inspiring and guiding us, brings an instant freedom from nervousness. Flashes of divine joy will come with this realization; sometimes a deep illumination will pervade one's being, banishing the very concept of fear. Like an ocean, the power of God sweeps in, surging through the heart in a cleansing flood, removing all obstructions of delusive doubt, nervousness, and fear. The delusion of matter, the consciousness of being only a mortal body, is overcome by contacting the sweet serenity of Spirit, attainable by daily meditation. Then you know that the body is a little bubble of energy in His cosmic sea.
The victim of nervousness must understand his case, and must reflect on those continual mistakes of thinking which are responsible for his maladjustment to life. When the nervous man once admits to himself that his disease is not mysterious in its cause, but the logical outcome of his own habits, he is already half cured.
The Nervous System
The nervous system is the telephonic outlet and inlet of die body, providing man with his response to outer and inner stimuli. Excitement upsets the nervous balance, sending too much energy to some parts and depriving others of their normal share. This lack of proper distribution of nerve force is the sole cause of nervousness. The calm man—he who avoids excitement because he is not overly attached to his ego and is aware that God, and not he, is running this universe—is always able to meet any situation in life because his nerve force is equilibrated. Lord Krishna said: "With unwavering discrimination, free from delusion, neither jubilant at pleasant experiences nor downcast by unpleasant experiences, the sage be-comes established in God."* This is the goal we must strive for and attain.
The nervous system supplies life current to the brain, heart, and other parts of the body. It distributes energy to the five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Nerves are our medium of contact with the outer world and the' Bhagavad-Gita V:20.
source of all our sensory reactions. How important it is, therefore, to keep the nerves in a state of perfect balance, not shocking one part of the body with too much energy and consequently limiting the supply to other regions. Not by restlessness or emotional reactions, hut by calmness, by deep trust in God, we reach the yogic state of an equilibrated being.
The yogis have special techniques by which one can revive tissues burned out by nervousness, by sending life energy into nerves partially destroyed by mistreatment. Each cell and tissue in the nervous system is a living, intelligent structure. Life energy can always renew it.
Overcome Nervousness by Good Company Nervousness is of two kinds—psychological and mechanical, or superficial and organic. The psychological or most common variety is due to mind excitement. This condition, long continued in, and accompanied by association with uninspiring people and wrong diet and health habits, causes the chronic or organic manifestations of nervous diseases.
The diet should be simple, balanced, and not too plentiful. Exercise should be regular. Too much sleep drugs the nerves, and too little sleep is hurtful to them. But all-important is the choice of company. Tell me what kind of friends a man has and I will tell you what he is. Flatterers do not help us. We should seek the society of superior men—those who tell us the truth and help us to improve ourselves. He is our best friend who humbly suggests how we may benefit our life by worthwhile changes.
Strong criticism, delivered in a mean or heartless way, is like hitting a man on the head with a hammer. The power of love is infinitely more effective. Kind suggestions, given with love and understanding, can accomplish wonders; mere faultfinding accomplishes nothing. One is fit to judge others only after he has perfected his own nature. Till then, judging oneself is the only profitable analysis.
Association with calm, wise people is one of the quickest ways to banish nervousness and realize our innate divinity. Nervous people should stay away from those suffering from similar troubles.
Calmness Is the Best Cure
The best cure for nervousness is the cultivation of calmness. One who is naturally calm does not lose his sense of reason, justice, or humor under any circumstances. He can always separate sentiment or wishful thinking from fact. He is not led astray by the honeyed tongues of dishonest men with improbable schemes for acquiring unearned wealth. He does not poison his bodily tissues with anger or fear, which adversely affect circulation. It is a well-proven fact that the milk of an angry mother can have a harmful effect on her child. What more striking proof can we ask for, that violent emotions will finally reduce the body to an ignominious wreck?
Poise is a beautiful quality. We should pattern our life by a triangular guide: calmness and sweetness are the two sides; the base is happiness. Every day, one should remind himself: "I am a prince of peace, sitting on the throne of poise, directing ray kingdom of activity." Whether one acts quickly or slowly, in solitude or in the busy marts of men, his center should be peaceful, poised. Christ is an example of the ideal. Everywhere, he demonstrated peace. He passed through every conceivable test without losing his poise.
Harmony Thoughts
God is everywhere, controlling planets, galaxies; yet He is not disturbed. Though He is in this world, yet He is above this world. We must reflect His image and likeness. We must meditate often and hold on to the peaceful aftereffects. We must send out thoughts of love, goodwill, harmony. In the temple of meditation, with the light of intuition burning on the altar, there is no restlessness, no nervous striving or searching. Man is truly home at last, in a sanctuary not made with hands, but with God-peace.
God is everywhere, controlling planets, galaxies; yet He is not disturbed. Though He is in this world, yet He is above this world. We must reflect His image and likeness. We must meditate often and hold on to the peaceful aftereffects. We must send out thoughts of love, goodwill, harmony. In the temple of meditation, with the light of intuition burning on the altar, there is no restlessness, no nervous striving or searching. Man is truly home at last, in a sanctuary not made with hands, but with God-peace.
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